A New Image
Sunway University's Coat of Arms |
Toastmasters International Logo
Today, we are proud to showcase our brand new tablecloth which is a symbol of our identity as a Toastmaster Club. On this tablecloth is embroidered the Sunway University Coat of Arms which signifies the clubs attachment to the University as a student body and an in-house club. This shows that our club is open exclusively only to Sunway students. alumni and staff while at the same time being under the wing of such a prestigious University.
Meanwhile the Toastmasters International Logo shows our dedication to professionalism as a Toastmaster Club. The Toastmaster Logo has long been a symbol of excellence, passion and dedication and it reminds all of us of the reason why we joined this club, which is simply to improve ourselves and be the best we can be!!!
The Toast
The reason we Toastmasters are called "Toastmasters is because during the early 1900's the word 'toastmaster' referred to a person who proposes the toasts and introduces the speakers at a banquet. Hence our founder, Dr Ralph C. Smedley named our group Toastmasters as he felt this suggested a pleasant and social atmosphere which was appealing to the public. It is therefore deeply rooted in our tradition as Toastmasters we should know how to propose a Toast.
First of all, there must always be an event to celebrate, and the event today was the chartering of our club which was definitely an event worth celebrating.
Standing up for the Toast |
DTM Sow Bee, proposing the Toast |
Cheers !!!
Table Topics
After a delightfully refreshing toast and a sumptuous dinner, our spirits were lifted for an extravagant meeting. The theme for the night was how would you react if given a certain situation, and the participants certainly showed us how they would react.
I controlled my girlfriend - TM Sharif |
TM Sharif Ahmed got the ball rolling by talking about how he made his girlfriend do his bidding when she tried to control him. It certainly left us wondering whether he was the one controlling his girlfriend in reality or vice versa.
She forgave me because the neighbors forced her to - TM Charles |
Next was TM Charles Liang, with his topic how would you make your angry girlfriend forgive you? He answered this based on a real life situation where he told us he sang to his angry girlfriend very loudly that his annoyed neighbors confronted his girlfriend forcing her to forgive him. A real genius indeed.
TM Kelvin giving his table topics speech. |
Prepared Speech Session
TM Amelia describing her childhood in Brunei |
TM Amelia who was doing her ice breaker speech gave us all an insight into her life by describing her childhood growing up in Brunei while describing the various problems she faced growing up which helped shape her into the person she is today.
My favorite sport is parkour - TM Thinesh |
TM Thinesh was was doing yet another ice breaker speech for this meeting. He shared with us about his favorite extreme sport, parkour as well as his personality. From his demure and mild mannered looks you would have never guessed he loved an extreme sport like parkour, guess there's always more than meets the eye.
The Killer Whale was featured in the movie "Free Willie" - TM Marilyn Lai |
Last but not least was TM Marilyn Lai, who was doing her second speech titled "Magnificent Whales". She even brought pictures of various whales such as the blue whale, the killer whale and the narwhal, while describing why this magnificent creature may soon face extinction.
Evaluation Session
Area B1 Governer Jess Foong giving her evaluation |
I love your voice - TM Roslyn |
DTM Victor Ong giving his evaluation |
Our Grammarian, Chan Siew Peng giving her report |
GE, Grace Tan sharing her recommendations |
The overall evaluation received was very encouraging, as all of the evaluators noted that our speakers had done a superb job in preparing and delivering their speeches with the utmost confidence and courage. Our General Evaluator for the night, Grace Tan also shared with us various areas of improvement while commenting on the areas which she felt were already good, graceful indeed.
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