Sunway University Toastmasters Club 1st Demo Meeting (4th April 2012)
Exco Team Members Registering Guests :)
On the 4th of April was the 1st Demo Meeting for our club. The venue for the meeting was room NW 3-1 and NW 3-2. We expected a turn-up of 70 guests but were very shocked when there were over 120 guests!!! The Exco team of only 5 students and 2 lecturers were really stretched out with the registration and handling of guests.
Makan time
Guests getting to know each other over dinner
After registration was the most delicious part of every Toastmaster meeting, Fellowship time or as we Malaysians like to call "Makan Time". There were two options for food, for those true blue Malaysians that love spicy food, we had Nasi Lemak Ayam with Sambal. As for those that might not like spicy food there was chinese food, white rice with stir fried chicken and stir fried Pak Choy. As for the unexpected guests, we ordered another 50 packets of food from Lunchbox. Based on the feedback received, everyone really enjoyed the food.
Intro by Toastmasters Demo Team
Everyone was captivated by the guest speakers
After filling our bellies, the meeting officially started at 6.45 pm, the Toastmasters demo team started of the meeting with flare, by explaining about what is Toastmasters as well as the benefits of joining Toastmasters.
Table topics Session
Lay Koon inviting guests to participate
Everyone listening attentively to the table topic speakers
The table topics session is an impromptu speech session where members and guests are encouraged to take part. This is usually the most exciting part of every Toastmaster meeting. Every participant is expected to speak on a given topic for 1-2 minutes. The best part is that participants have to think on their feet as they only have a maximum of 30 seconds to organize their thoughts and start speaking. 5 guests participated in the table topics, all of them spoke eloquently and gracefully capturing the attention of the audience, reminding us all again that the beauty of Toastmasters is that we can all learn from one another and grow together.
Prepared Speeches Session
Stephanie: "Life is just like rock climbing"
Daniel wowing the crowd with his magic @.@
The 2nd session of a Toastmasters meeting is the prepared speech session where members prepare their project speeches according to their Competent Communication Manuals or Advanced Manual. The speakers for the night were Stephanie from Taylor's University who compared life to rock climbing, as well as Patrick who wowed us all with his magic tricks such as setting his wallet on fire and pulling a stick out from his hat.
Evaluations Session
Many people have often asked me what is the most important part of Toastmasters? Is it the fact that you get to speak in front of so many different people? Or is it the fact that you get to know many accomplished speakers? All of these in my viewpoint would be meaningless if there was nobody to guide you and tell you your mistakes. That is why the evaluation session is as equally important a part of a Toastmasters meeting as all the other parts. For our demo meeting, we were very fortunate to have DTM, Ramdas Nayar who also happens to be the incoming district governor for District 51 to be our grammarian. He shared not only his grammarian report but also a piece of his mind to all the aspiring and budding toastmasters. The speech evaluators were also remarkable in presenting their evaluations with what we call the KKK method in Toastmasters. This stands for Kiss, Kick, Kiss. Whereby the evaluators praise you at first to make you feel good, and then they proceed on to mention your shortcomings and areas of improvement, this is the kick, and finally they give you a parting kiss, which is by complementing you for your performance and wrapping up the evaluation at the same time.
Closing Address and Meeting Adjourned
As they say, all good things come to an end, after many exciting and inspiring speeches and evaluations, and a little magic show of course, the meeting had finally come to an end. At this time, most of the guest were already tired and so were the Toastmasters. Overall the meeting was a success, and we successfully recruited 28 new members not including the already existing exco team which had 7 members, totalling 35 members, a very impressive start for the Sunway University Toastmaster Club.
DTM, Ramdas Nayar giving his grammarian report

Chan Siew Peng from "Taman Indrahana TM" giving her evaluation
Many people have often asked me what is the most important part of Toastmasters? Is it the fact that you get to speak in front of so many different people? Or is it the fact that you get to know many accomplished speakers? All of these in my viewpoint would be meaningless if there was nobody to guide you and tell you your mistakes. That is why the evaluation session is as equally important a part of a Toastmasters meeting as all the other parts. For our demo meeting, we were very fortunate to have DTM, Ramdas Nayar who also happens to be the incoming district governor for District 51 to be our grammarian. He shared not only his grammarian report but also a piece of his mind to all the aspiring and budding toastmasters. The speech evaluators were also remarkable in presenting their evaluations with what we call the KKK method in Toastmasters. This stands for Kiss, Kick, Kiss. Whereby the evaluators praise you at first to make you feel good, and then they proceed on to mention your shortcomings and areas of improvement, this is the kick, and finally they give you a parting kiss, which is by complementing you for your performance and wrapping up the evaluation at the same time.
Closing Address and Meeting Adjourned
Our President, Dr. Nagiah giving his closing address
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