Sunday, 25 January 2015

Halloween Themed Meeting ; 06.11.2014

We pulled off another themed meeting with the most interesting speeches because, guess what?!

The theme was HALLOWEEEEEEN!

Most of our members, AND guests dressed up and presented themselves so well that night. We all had too much fun just watching the way everyone dressed up, and some of us... We had to EXPLAIN who we were dressed up as. Oh, the struggles. 

Somehow, the only person that actually managed to scare people was Mr.Victor with his mask :O The rest of us, well. We just wanted to have fun. 

The highlight of the meeting was definitely Dani with an "i" who spoke about his VERY interesting experience of dressing up as a girl and walking out in public for his table topics speech. he shared with us the struggles of girls when they wear skirts and how annoying cat calling is. Why, thank you Dani. NOW you knowwwww. 

It was an honour to have the Division D Governor as our guest that evening.  

Musthaq Mukthar ; TME (That pumpkin hat, though) 

Gerrard Mook, Evaluator. Oops! I mean Batman.

Lim Thien Seng, Division D's Governor, evaluating DTM Victor

Amanda Sonia, Taylor's College ; ROSIE THE RIVETER!

Nawal Lyana ; Playboy Bunny? ;)

The first two duo that did a combined table topic speech :O

Yen Lin ; the adorable panda :3

Dr.Nagiah, Evaluator 

Our very own Mr.Victor who really DID manage to bring Halloween to LIFE

Thinesh Naidu showing his obsession for Assassin's Creed

Probably the hit of the night ; DANI WITH AN "I". Our friend here spoke about the struggles of being a girl which he discovered through actually DRESSING up as one. YOU GO,...... GURL?

Group shot! (Hisham was just enjoying the moment with his eyes closed)

Netusha Naidu, Taylor's College ; WEDNESDAY ADAM! Who doesn't love that show, huh?

Division B & D Joint Humorous Speech & Table Topics Contest

This fun filled contest was held on the 11th of October yet again in our home ground itself; SUNWAY UNIVERSITY!

We had Gerrard Mook, the champion of Area D1 representing us, for the speech category, and Mirosha Somasundram the runner up of Area D1 representing us for the evaluation contest.

Both of them gave their best. They did not end up placing, but the experience sure was a memorable one!

Both the divisions had the same champions for BOTH the categories who were DTM Meyyapa and DTM Robert Ram. Well, we saw that coming, didn't we?

The contestants with their supporters of the day :)

Installation Night ; Your Majesty's Secret Service


So this is like our usual Installation Night plus our Annual Dinner kinda thing. We prefer killing two birds in one stone, ya see?

We had so many external guests attending this dinner including a District Officer, Division Governor, Area Governor, and many other very experienced and talented toastmasters. As you can see from the title of this post, the guests were to be looking like the characters in James Bond (Well, we all TRIED). 

This dinner was emceed by Gerrard Mook and Chy Yun, our very talented members. They did a great job at handling the flow of this event. That's what Toastmasters are for, right?

We started off with welcoming the guests, and speeches by the VIPs. The dinner commenced with the de-installation of the past EXCO, followed by the installation of the current EXCO. It was an honour for our club to be presented with the gavel by our Area. 

EXCO 2013/2014

EXCO 2014/2015

Our stunning Area DI Governer, May Wong during the installation ceremony

Hisham was trying to be all.... defensive and stuff.... o.O

After the installation ceremony, we moved on to the Lucky Draw session! There were so many interesting gifts to be won. In total, there were 10 in no particular orders. 

Mr.Victor  Ong won the Toastmaster of The Year Award, which was presented by one of our past presidents, Dr.Nagiah Ramasamy. Well, we ALL know it was very well deserved. His achievements are OUT THERE and it's a motivation for many members of our club, and also others'.

The dinner ended at 9pm, with a bang! Good company, good food, good venue. It was a great and memorable night. Here's to more nights like these to come. 

Photo credits : Sitham Ameer & Kyle Lowe

Area Level Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contest

The combined Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contest kicked off at HOME!

It was held right here, in Sunway University, on the 13th of September, a Saturday.

Gerrard Mook represented our club for the Humorous Speech Contest, with the title "Rumour Has It", and became the CHAMPIONNNN!!!! He will be representing us at the Joint Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contest of Division B & D. 

Gerrard Mook receiving the certificate of participation from our Area Governer, May Wong.

Thinesh Naidu and Mirosha Somasundram on the other hand, represented our club for the Evaluation round, and gave their best. Mirosha was a runner up, and will also be representing our club with the champion, Abu Bakar who is from the Pidato Toastmasters Club. 

Our three representatives 

From left : Jonathan Moh ; Our President, Thinesh Naidu, Mirosha Somasundram, May Wong ; Area Governer, Gerrard Mook, Nawal Lyana ; Former VPE