Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Monash University Toastmasters Club - CLUBBING


On 27th August 2013, I visited Monash University Toastmasters Club to deliver my #CC6. It was my first time going to this club and trust me the meeting was GREAT

The theme of the meeting was Independence Day, this time around the Table Topic Master had given topics regarding our knowledge of Malaysia. The meeting went smoothly,and there were 4 speakers in total. I was the only Sunway University Toastmasters Club who delivered a speech. Radhika Divya Chelliah,CC - President of the Club has started the meeting by telling us about our Independence Day. The meeting was a mixture of serious and humor which makes it entertaining. To make the members to feel more patriotic, the club had asked us to sing "KERANAMU MALAYSIA" song (Malaysian Nationality Song) before the meeting adjourned.

Here are the pictures that I manage to take :

Sadly I did not manage to ask someone to take a picture of myself doing the speech. 
It is also come to a surprise that I received "Best Speaker" Cert. and I am beyond SHOCKED!
Something that I least expected for the night, Syukur :)

Looking Forward to visit again 

Nurdina Kasim (NDK)

Monday, 26 August 2013



New term for Sunway University Toastmasters Club Installation 
& Appreciation Night 2013



So get your tickets :)

More inquiries as stated below :

See You There! :)

Nurdina Kasim (NDK)

21st August : Real Toastmasters Club : CLUBBING

Amazing Experience !

We went to the Real Toastmasters for a visit and we did have fun there and looking forward in visiting this club again :)

" Before the meeting started, we got a warm welcome by the president of Real Toastmaster Club, Michael Wong CC, and other members as well. The meeting was started punctually at 3.30pm and the amount of people who attended this meeting was around 25 people. DTM Victor Ong was the General Evaluator for this meeting, and he also delivered his ACB #4 speech. Our club member, TM Gerrard Mook and another member from Real Toastmaster Club have delivered their project speech CC#3 too. There were four table topic speakers and all of them have done a very good job. As a result, there were two best speakers for table topics in this meeting. On the other hand, lively performance by DTM Victor Ong had won himself as Best Speaker. Overall, the environment of the venue and attitude of members were nice. Since it is an education group, members of this club used proper English and had much good use of words. It is worth and good for our members to visit the meeting of this club."

Gerrard Mook 

20th Aug 2013 : Allianz Toastmasters Club - CLUBBING


That is what I summarized for the whole meeting. It was just an amazing expereicne to meet different people from different Toastmasters Clubs, and more to visit in the future !

We Sunway University toastmasters club visited Allianz toastmaster club at KL sentral on the 20 th of August with Mr. Victor, Nurdina Kasim, Gerrard Mook Abdulaziz Imam and Musthaq Mukthar. It was about taking part in the meeting while learning enjoying the moments. The meeting started with most of members were corporate employees. The meeting started as usual and Nurdina Kasim was the table topic master for the meeting. It was smooth session with all of us taking part in the table topic. Mr. Victor Ong gave a speech during the humorous session. When it comes to humour not every individual can make an audience laugh with their speaking ability, but Mr. Victor is not new to humour, as he has his own way of creating humour through his style of speaking and relating creating humour.

Here are some pictures of our members participating in Table Topics and Victor Ong, DTM  doing his evaluation :

There were five assignment speakers for the meeting which included an ice breaker by Mr. Sharian Raj. Followed by Mr Moses Wong topic “what is love in the family?”. Mr. Mah Han Yuan, Haw Hui Mun TM and Hoh Sheng Hung TM. It was a great evening to see how they speak compared to us as students and take positives from the club to our club and as well to adapt to the future corporate world.


Tuesday, 20 August 2013


On one fine Saturday morning (17 August), a group of Toastmasters from the Sunway University Toastmasters Club comprising of me, Nawal Lyana, Marilyn Lai and Wong Jia Wei attended the "How to Become a Professional Emcee!" workshop, with DTM Jon Tan as the speaker of the day.

I arrived in the morning expecting a run-of-the-mill talk, but what I experienced blew my mind in many possible ways. DTM Jon Tan was one of the two most interesting people I have ever had the fortune to meet, and his talk was nothing short of AMAZING. Here are some photos of the event:

Thinesh Naidu (Dudu)

Friday, 16 August 2013

Gamuda Toastmasters "CLUBBING"

14th August 2013

Gamuda Toastmasters meeting was attended by our President and Sunway University Toastmasters Club member.
As her first to attend a different club , here is her personal testimony of her own experience of "Clubbing for Toastmasters Club

"I just went to Gamuda Company with Mr. Victor and Pei Lim. It was really a great and fun experience that I spoke infront of working adults. This was my first time doing a speech evaluation and I was evaluating a staff of Gamuda. I felt abit nervous but I enjoyed the whole process. Besides, I got a chance to listen to ACB Stephen Fernando giving some tip on Humorous Speech. That 30 minutes talk was interesting. I really enjoyed the meeting and I look forward to attending the Gamuda Toastmasters Meeting int the future."
-Castrine,TM - 

Thank you Gamuda Toastmasters for having us ! 

Nurdina Kasim (NDK)

Puchong English Toastmasters Club - "CLUBBING"

Hello Everyone!

Another "Clubbing" sessions for the Sunway University Toastmasters members! 

They visited Puchong English Toastmasters (PETC) and with Victor Ong, DTM delivered his Advanced Manuals Speeches!

They have the pleasure of witnessing the election of new EXCO members of Puchong English Toastmasters ! 

Victor Ong, DTM - The best Speaker

Everyone did have fun and are pleased to have us for the meeting !

Nurdina Kasim

with reference - Nawal Lyana, VPE

The New Beginning to Sunway University Toastmasters Club President, Yay!

Congratulations to VICTOR ONG, DTM

The distinguish Toastmaster (DTM) award is THE HIGHEST 
Toastmasters International Recognition ! *APPLAUSE*

WE are so proud of our President (Sunway University Toastmasters Club) to achieve this magnificent award! 

You deserve it :)

Victor Ong, DTM  

***All members doing the Mexican Wave to Victor Ong****
Nurdina Kasim

Its all or nothing - YAY!

18th July 2013 - Marks the date when the new term exco members has given their personal badges !

Thanks to our former President of Sunway Toastmasters Club - Dr Nagiah Ramasamy, CC , who had presented us each a badge with our name on it. It is such a beautiful badge, that I honestly want to keep it safely in a box and stare at it for a long time. 

THANK YOU to Dr Nagiah Ramasamy,CC and Victor, ACG ALS for this opportunity to let us to be part of the Sunway Toastmasters Club!

Sadly I only one picture, which is myself and Dr Nagiah Ramasamy, CC 
Thank you Sunway University Toastmasters Club

Nurdina Kasim

Allianz Toasmasters - "CLUBBING"

On the 7th of August, some of our members had attended the Allianz Toastmasters! They have finally started their first term for 2013 - 2014. Congratulations !

Our President , Victor Ong ACG ALS took the General Evaluator role for the evening and followed by two of our members Kareshma, TM and Elaine, TM attended the meeting! For the looks of it, it is my next choice to do a speech there, hopefully :)

Congrates to Kareshma, TM for winning the best Table Topic Sessions!! WOOOHOO!!

July 14th - Life is Precious and Innocent

Hello there, I know I have been MIA for the moment reason because I went to United Kingdom for a Student Exchange Program for 2013. However, I will not miss to update you what Sunway Toastmasters Club has been up too, OF COURSE!

On the 4th of July, notes down the FIRST TERM OF 2014-2015! Honestly,I have an awesome vibe that this term will be better and extravagant! 

The meeting was first started by the new PRESIDENT, Victor Ong, ACG ALS, 
also did his speech #7 : Wasted Deaths ! 
As usual, he gave such an amazing speech 

Secondly, the Toastmaster of the Evening was Dr. Nagiah Ramasamy , and for his first time he did manage to engage the audience with his inspirational thoughts.

I took my challenge to be the Table Topic Master, and honestly its one of the best role reason because seeing all the new members and also guest to participate, and enable them to grow and be part of the Sunway Toastmasters Family. It is personally one of my favorite sessions.

Assignment Speakers

CC#1: Why put a label on? : Kyle, TM

CC#1: All about Me : Sheryl Lee Yee Wei, TM

CC# 1 : The Sound of Music: Elaine Yong, TM

CC#1 : I,Me,Myself : Wong Jia Wei,TM


Johnathan Moh, ACB - evaluated Sheryl Lee, TM

Sharif Ahmed, CC have evaluated two speakers (Kyle ,TM and Elaine Yong,TM)

Ashwinee Rvan, CC evaluated Wong Jia Wei, TM

Thinesh Naidu,CC evaluated Victor Ong ACG ALS


There is the special Competent Communicator Pin given to the members who had finished their CC#10! *applause* 

-Victor Ong, ACG ALS - Sharif Ahmed,CC - Thinesh Naidu,CC-

Pins were given personally by our immediate former President - Dr Nagiah Ramasamy

The night ended well and amazing speakers indeed, especially the speakers who are taking their first stepping stone as a Competent Communicator

Have a good day all!

Nurdina Kasim