Monday, 22 April 2013

18th April 2013 Meeting - a Special Day

First of all, on 18th April 2013 was an extra special day for me as a chartered member of Sunway University Toastmasters Club. I have to say, the experiences of being a part of this club never fails to bring me smiles at the end of the day. 

What I learned from this meeting is  - to take a risk to develop yourself.

I have given an opportunity of being the Toastmaster's of the Evening. I did not hesitated of taking such a challenging role, but what I realize was that I was chosen at the very last minute. I did not prepare anything, but just asking few other members on this particular role. Honestly, I was nervous that I would mess up  being the Toastmasters of the Evening, but well I end up taking it as a challenge. Lesson of being a good emcee, is to be yourself and let the audience connect with you personally.

The next amazing episode of our meeting on the 18th April is that we celebrated Mr. Victor's Birthday! It was a surprise we made during our 10 mins break session. All the members and audience sang the birthday song, and trust me we did left Mr.Victor being speechless. At a moment there, I can see that he was blushed and flattered.  The Tiramisu cake was amazing :)


The meeting was amazing and many new audience turned up. Here are some pictures of the meeting.


CC#5 : Silly McGenti - Nawal Lyana 

CC#1: This is just the beginng - Jiet Er

CC#7: Rocks and Monkeys - Timothy Nakayama

CC#9: The greatest gift of all - Dr Nagiah

CC#7: Woof - Marilyn Lai



Best Evaluator - Mayyapa

Best Table Topic Speaker - Albert

General Evaluator - Hj. Hashim

Overall - The meeting had brought me not just smile but courage in hand. 
Goodnight  :)

Toastmasters 'Clubbing' - Puchong English Toastmasters Club

Before I start any further, let me first tell you what does it mean by the term of 'Toastmaster's Clubbing'. Well you see, the idea of it comes about from Mr. Victor's Ong. As that day on wards  I do see attending other Toastmaster's club as a safer way to 'club'

Toastmaster's Clubbing - attending other Toastmasters clubs , gain new experiences and environments.

On 15th April 2013, Dr, Nagiah and Mr. Victor attended a Toastmasters meeting in Puchong English Toastmaster's Club, Bandar Puteri.

On that day, Dr. Nagiah was given a role as the Grammarian. Whereas, for Mr.Victor was the speech evaluator for and Advanced Speech and the speaker from Sunway Toastmasters Club.

These are some pictures of the meeting :)


Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Demo Meeting - a success!

On 11th of April comes another memorable day for Sunway University Toastmasters club. We had our demo meeting in class NE 2-12 with new guests accumulate to almost 100 people. It was a quite a big turn out despite of having a thunder storm and a terrible traffic. I was pleased they the guests had attended our demo meeting anyway. Based from my observation, most of them are eager to know more about Toastmasters as few people approached me to get more information about it.

Before the Meeting

Registration Area

Dinner of the Night - many good feedback by the guests on how good the food is

Greetings of guests and members


The start of the meeting
The Table Topic session

In this part, I have to congratulate the guest who volunteered themselves in this session. I remember the time when I went for the demo meeting, I never had the guts to go up the stage and speak. There are those brave student who stood up and face their fears. They deserve a standing ovation for their courage :)

Assignment Speakers

Steven Yong, ACB ALB - Speech #3 Project 3

Ashwinee,TM - Speech #7

Kenneth Ho, ACB CL - Project #4

The meeting ended with a bliss  everything went well as planned and the recruitment drive and the hard work had come to a success. Surprisingly, many  guest had signed up and interested to be part of Sunway University Toastmasters Club.

To new members - Welcome to the Toastmaster's family !

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” 
― Mahatma Gandhi

Tuesday, 9 April 2013



We will be doing our demo meeting this week, and we encourage you to come and visit us :D


  • There will TM's from 6 different clubs will be attending
  • A former speech contest Champion will also be attending  
  • Get amazing tips from these established speakers on how to improve your speaking skills,
  • Its going to be a BLAST!


Date : 11th April 2013 (Thursday)

Vanue : Room NE 2-12

Time : 6.15pm


Please contact me via email , to confirm your attendence :

Monday, 8 April 2013

Toastmasters meeting : 4th April 2013

“Toastmasters is a journey of learning”

That is what I can conclude for our meeting last Thursday (4thApril). As always, it was a vibrant and entertaining meeting. Never to forget the supportive members we had for the meeting. I took up a new challenge of being a timekeeper, it may sound ‘simple’ but you need to be alert at most times. I am up to take up any other roles in the future J

The Toastmasters of the Evening was Zahir Ahmad, CC CL. It was his first time visiting to Sunway University Toastmasters Club, and I can tell by the look of his face he is enjoying himself too.

Toastmasters of the Evening- Zahir Ahmad,CC CL

Table Topic Sessions

I have to say, I was amazed how they have the courage to step up and give a 2 minute impromptu speech. Did I mention to you that they are all audiences that night?  Yes, it was their first time coming to our meeting.

Assignment Speakers

CC #2: JFT96- Gerrard Mook

CC #3: Second Chance- Kenneth Ho,ACB

CC #8: Why Toastmasters- Sharif Ahmad
Suprise!  Contest Speech Practice by Jocelyn Lim, CC CL

Another great meeting in Sunway University Toastmasters Club
Please do come for our next meeting on the 18th April 2013

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Recruitment Week 2013

We have allocated our Toastmasters booth in Student Services Centre, Sunway University.
The recruitment week started from 2nd April and ended on the 4thApril. The toastmasters members were working hard to make the recruitment a success. Honestly, without their teamwork we would not have received almost hundred over student who were interested in learning more about Toastmasters Internationals.


The results were overwhelming and in fact, we even booked a booth on the 5th of April (Friday) as an extra day to share more on the Toastmasters benefits with the students. Surprisingly, most of the student were first timers hearing and knowing about the club. They were instantly interested to come to our demo meetings.


Thank you to the members of Sunway Toastmasters for helping out for the recruitment ; Nawal Lyana, Kenneth, Marilyn, Sharif, Kelvin and Adelin and others.  They sacrificed their time in order for the recruitment to be a success.  From this, a lesson that we could take home is that through teamwork and sincerity to help the club, it tightened the bond we had with one another .

The Toastmaster's booth in Student Services Centre (SSD) - decorated by Marilyn and Dina 

Marilyn - giving the best smile for the club

Kelvin and Mr Victor 

Amazing experience with throughout the week and glad that I have worked with such amazing members of Toastmasters.