Sunday, 9 September 2012

Sunway University Toastmaster Club 9th Meeting (6th September 2012)

Just hours before the meeting, Mr. Victor asked me whether I was interested of taking up the challenge to be the TME for the meeting. At first I did not hesitate to take up the role but slowly reality set in. 
I started to doubt my own capabilities and thought to myself "oh...what have I done."
I was getting more and more nervous as it was getting closer to the meeting.
Right before the meeting started, I stop and calm myself.
I start to gather all the training and knowledge I learn from TM.
 I thought to myself, "this would be the perfect opportunity for me to apply what I learned.
So I did and it turned out that it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
I ended up having a great time and a wonderful experience serving as the TME :)

So remember this,
 take up the challenge and get out of your comfort zone because you'll never know what you are capable of unless you put your skill to the test.

TM Ng Zheng Lin (Toastmaster of the Evening)

Table Topic Session


We had 8 wonderful topic table speakers. All having their own unique style of speaking. 
It really does take courage to step up on the stage, unprepared, to take on a topic given on the spot.
Any who take up the challenge, deserve praising.

FYI, our club record so far is 9 table topic speakers per meeting ;)

Haha I guess the person who had the toughest job here was the table topic evaluator.
(TTE - TM Hesmondjeet from Monash TM Club)

Prepared Speech Session

TM Jef Yap Jee Fui, CC#1: Me
(Don't have another photo of him for the night :P)

TM Jessryl Lee, CC#1: Little Bit Extraordinary
(I learned to pronounce her name correctly, "Jess-Real")

Standing Ovation for both speaker who delivered their CC#1 Ice Breaker Speech ;)
(Good Work and continue delivering good speeches!)

TM Ashwinee Rvan, CC#3 Euthanasia, My Right?
(Still don't think I can pronounce the title correctly lol)

TM Nawal Lyana, CC#2: The Poison
(Talking about a habit most students possessed, "procrastination")

Evaluation Session
"Feedback is the Breakfast for Champion"

TM Hesmondjeet Oon, Table Topic Evaluator

TM Jonathan (Monash TM Club), Evaluation for TM Jef

TM Charles, Evaluation for TM Jessryl
(Again, only have one photo of him :P)

ACS CL TM Chan Siew Peng, Evaluation for TM Ashwinee

ACG ALB TM Victor Ong, Evaluation for TM Nawal
(Other than giving an evaluation, Mr Victor also delivered a wonderful 2 minute speech!)

Report Session

Club President Dr. Nagiah, Grammarian

TM Luke Aaron, Ah Counter

TM Thinesh Naidu, Timekeeper (The Merciless Bell Ringer)

and finally...

General Evaluator's Report
CC TM Jade Lim, General Evaluator

Award Time!

Best Table Topic Speaker, Albert!

Best Prepared Speech, TM Ashwinee

Best Prepared Speech Evaluator, ACG ALB TM Victor Ong

Bonus Photo!

A good meeting to end another wonderful day.
Oh and remember anyone is welcome to join us! 
Our next meeting will be on 20th September.


Thanks for Reading


Good Night

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Sunway University Toastmaster Club 8th Meeting (16th August 2012)

This meeting was an eventful one. We had 9 table topic speakers, 5 prepared speech and our very own Nawal Lyana's birthday surprise. As usual, Sunway University Toastmaster Club Meeting, were always as exciting and interesting because of the commitment and energy each members brought into the meetings. 

Our TME, TM Hesmondjeet Oon.

Table Topic Session

Our Table Topic Master, TM Nawal Lyana.

We only have 7 photos here but we actually had "9" table topic speakers for that evening!

Prepared Speech Session

TM Gerrard Mook delivered his CC#1 and he asked for his standing ovation X) 
Well he for one was brave enough to ask for one.

TM Thinesh Naidu delivered his CC#2.

TM Undarmaa Gansukh delivered her CC#8 titled "Telephone"

TM Lee Jun Han from Money & U delivered his CC#8 titled "Puan Lim".

"We are a family here in SUTMC"
So Happy X) (Sorry I had to put this) 

Evaluation Session

CC TM Melissa Wong Evaluating TM Gerrard.

TM Ng Zheng Lin (Me :D) evaluating TM Shariff.

Sorry can't remember her name ^^" but credit still due. She evaluated TM Undarmaa.

Award Time

Best Table Topic Speaker

Best Evaluator

Bonus Photos!

and Finally~

Good Night! Sweet Dream :)